Mamta Chaudhary

Migrate data from AWS S3 object storage to Utho Object storage

Migrate data from AWS S3 object storage to Utho Object storage

In this tutorial, we'll employ rclone, a Go-based program bundled as a standalone binary, to transfer data from AWS S3 to Utho Object Stores. Rclone, an open-source tool, facilitates file management across various cloud storage services. If you've previously worked with an S3-compatible storage system, you may be acquainted with s3cmd. While offering similar functionalities, rclone extends its support beyond S3-compatible storage, encompassing services like Google Drive and Dropbox.

Configurations on the AWS  side:

Step 1: Generate a user with programmatic access and retain both the Access ID and Secret Key securely.

Step 2: Grant the new user at least read access to the S3 resource.

Configurations on the Utho Cloud side:

Step 3: Establish a new Bucket on Utho Cloud.

Step 4: Generate a new access key to associate it with the newly created bucket.

Step 5: Link the new access key with the bucket.

Step 6: Log in to your Linux server, from which you'll configure the data transfer from AWS S3 object storage to Utho object storage.

Getting started with rclone:

Installing rclone
Before commencing the data migration process, you must first install rclone.

Step 7: Install rclone using the following command:

apt-get install rclone

Configuring rclone:

Now that rclone is installed on your system, the subsequent step involves configuring it with your AWS security credentials and your Utho object store credentials.

Step 8: Create a configuration file to input the details of the object storages:

mkdir -p ~/.config/rclone

vi ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf
type = s3
env_auth = false
access_key_id = AKbffaww
secret_access_key = sjFWwbfadaw
region = ap-south-1
acl = private

type = s3
env_auth = false
access_key_id = xICXfdhdrrrsesa
secret_access_key = gIMQA57tHrFbfddf
endpoint =
acl = private

Step 9: Modify the file permissions:

chmod 600 ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf

Step 10: Verify if the correct details are set:

rclone listremotes
rclone lsd utho:
rclone s3:
rclone tree s3:

Step 11: Transfer the data from AWS S3 to Utho object storage

rclone copy s3: aws_bucket_name utho:utho_bucketname

Task completed successfully. Thank you.