Managing Two-Factor Authentication for Mobile and Email Access

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Follow this step-by-step guide to effortlessly enhance the security of your Utho Dashboard account by managing Two-Factor Authentication preferences for mobile and email access.

Step 1: Log in to the Cloud Dashboard

1.1 Login to your Utho Dashboard

Step 2: Access Your Profile

2.1 Within the Cloud Dashboard interface, navigate to the top right corner.

2.2 Click on your profile icon.

2.3 In the dropdown menu, select "My Profile."

Step 3: Locate and Access Two-Factor Authentication Settings

3.1 Within your profile settings on the Cloud Dashboard, scroll down to access additional options.

3.2 Identify and click on the "Two-Factor Authentication" section.

Step 4: Configure Two-Factor Authentication Code Delivery Preferences

4.1 Within the Two-Factor Authentication settings, choose whether to enable or disable.

4.2 Select the preferred delivery method(s) for receiving authentication codes.4.3 Ensure that at least one delivery method is chosen to receive 2-factor authentication codes.

Step 5: Save Configuration Changes

5.1 After adjusting your Two-Factor Authentication settings, locate and click on the "Save Changes" button.

5.2 Verify the successful saving of changes with the confirmation message indicating that the changes have been saved.