Unlock Network Magic with Traceroute & MTR

Unlock Network Magic with Traceroute & MTR
Table of Content

Monitoring network connectivity is a crucial aspect of server administration. Within this realm, there are several straightforward yet invaluable tools to employ. This guide will explore the utilization of traceroute for pinpointing network issues and introduce mtr, a utility amalgamating ping and traceroute functionalities within a single interface.

Using Traceroute: A Comprehensive Guide

Traceroute Simplified: Navigating the Path to Remote Servers

Traceroute serves as a straightforward tool for unveiling the pathway to a remote server, whether it's a website you're attempting to access or a printer on your local network. With the traceroute program pre-installed on nearly every Linux distribution by default, there's typically no need for additional installations. Simply call it by providing the website or IP address you wish to explore.

$ traceroute google.com

You will be provided with output resembling the following:


traceroute to google.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 (  0.564 ms  0.539 ms  0.525 ms 
2 (  0.487 ms  0.435 ms  0.461 ms
3  xe-3-0-6.ar2.nyc3.us.nlayer.net (  1.801 ms  1.802 ms  1.762 ms
4 (  0.583 ms  0.562 ms  0.550 ms
5 (  1.044 ms  1.048 ms  1.036 ms
6 (  0.494 ms  0.688 ms  0.643 ms
7 (  0.650 ms (  0.621 ms  0.625 ms
8 (  0.618 ms (  0.898 ms (  0.872 ms
9 (  7.478 ms  7.989 ms  7.466 ms

10 (  20.002 ms  19.969 ms  19.975 ms

11 (  30.490 ms (  34.463 ms (  30.707 ms

12 (  42.502 ms  42.507 ms  42.487 ms

13 (  76.578 ms  74.585 ms  74.617 ms

14 (  80.625 ms  80.584 ms  78.514 ms

15 (  80.287 ms  80.560 ms  78.842 ms

16 (  171.997 ms  173.668 ms  170.068 ms

17 (  238.133 ms  235.851 ms  235.479 ms

18 (  233.639 ms  239.147 ms  233.707 ms

19  sin04s01-in-f9.1e100.net (  236.241 ms  235.608 ms  236.843 ms

The initial line provides information regarding the conditions under which traceroute operates:

traceroute to google.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets

It indicates the specified host and the corresponding IP address retrieved from DNS for the domain, along with the maximum number of hops to examine and the packet size to be utilized.

The maximum number of hops can be modified using the -m flag. If the destination host is situated beyond 30 hops, you may need to specify a larger value. The maximum allowable setting is 255.

$ traceroute -m 255 obiwan.scrye.net

To modify the packet size sent to each hop, specify the desired integer after the hostname:

$ traceroute google.com 70

The output will appear as follows:


traceroute to google.com (, 30 hops max, 70 byte packets
1 (  0.364 ms  0.330 ms  0.319 ms
2 (  0.284 ms  0.343 ms  0.321 ms

Following the initial line, each subsequent line signifies a "hop" or intermediate host that your traffic traverses to reach the specified computer host. Each line adheres to the following format:


hop_number   host_name   (IP_address)  packet_round_trip_times

Below is an exemplar of a hop you may encounter:


3  nyk-b6-link.telia.net (  0.311 ms  0.302 ms  0.293 ms

Below is the breakdown of each field:

hop_number: Represents the sequential count of the degree of separation between the host and your computer. Higher numbers indicate that traffic from these hosts must traverse more computers to reach its destination.

host_name: Contains the result of a reverse DNS lookup on the host's IP address, if available. If no information is returned, the IP address itself is displayed.

IP_address: Displays the IP address of the network hop.

packet_round_trip_times: Provides the round-trip times for packets sent to the host and back. By default, three packets are sent to each host, and the round-trip times for each attempt are appended to the end of the line.

To alter the number of packets tested against each host, you can indicate a specific number using the -q option, as demonstrated below:

$ traceroute -q1 google.com

To expedite the trace by skipping the reverse DNS lookup, you can utilize the -n flag as shown:

$ traceroute -n google.com

The output will resemble the following:


traceroute to google.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1  0.626 ms  0.598 ms  0.588 ms
2  2.821 ms  2.743 ms  2.819 ms
3  1.470 ms  1.473 ms  1.525 ms

If your traceroute displays asterisks (*), it indicates an issue with the route to the host.

15 (  121.809 ms (  76.941 ms (  78.946 ms
16 (  101.001 ms  92.478 ms  92.448 ms
17  * * (  175.083 ms
18  * * * 
19  * * *

What Signifies a Routing Problem?

Encountering a halt in your traceroute at a specific hop or node, indicative of an inability to find a route to the host, signifies a problem. Pinpointing the exact location of the networking issue isn't always straightforward. While the failed hop might seem the likely culprit, the complexity arises from the nature of round-trip packet pings and potential disparities in packet pathways. The issue could potentially lie closer or further along the route. Determining the precise problem location typically requires a return traceroute from the specific hop, which is often unattainable outside of your network.

Using MTR: A Guide

MTR serves as a dynamic alternative to the traceroute program. It combines the functionalities of ping and traceroute, enabling constant polling of a remote server to observe changes in latency and performance over time.

Unlike traceroute, MTR is not typically installed by default on most systems. You can obtain it by executing the following commands.


$ sudo apt-get install mtr


$ yum install mtr


$ pacman -S mtr

Once installed, you can initiate it by typing:

$ mtr google.com

You will receive output resembling the following:


                      My traceroute  [v0.80]

traceroute (                        Tue Oct 22 20:39:42 2013

Resolver: Received error response 2. (server failure)er of fields   quit                         Packets               Pings

  Host                     Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev  

1.        0.0%   371    0.4   0.6   0.1  14.3   1.0
2.        0.0%   371    7.4   2.5   0.1  37.5   4.8 
3. xe-3-0-6.ar2.nyc3.us.  2.7%   371    3.6   2.6   1.1   5.5   1.1 
4. sl-gw50-nyc-.sprintli  0.0%   371    0.7   5.0   0.1  82.3  13.1

While the output may appear similar, the significant advantage over traceroute lies in the constant updating of results. This feature enables the accumulation of trends and averages, offering insights into how network performance fluctuates over time.

Unlike traceroute, where packets may occasionally traverse without issue, even in the presence of intermittent packet loss along the route, the mtr utility monitors for such occurrences by collecting data over an extended period.

Additionally, mtr can be run with the --report option, providing the results of sending 10 packets to each hop.

$ mtr --report google.com

The report appears as follows:


HOST: traceroute                  Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev 
1.|--            0.0%    10    1.5   0.9   0.4   1.5   0.4  

2.|--            0.0%    10    0.6   0.9   0.4   2.7   0.7  

3.|-- nyk-b6-link.telia.net      0.0%    10    0.5   0.5   0.2   0.7   0.2  

4.|-- nyk-bb2-link.telia.net     0.0%    10   67.5  18.5   0.8  87.3  31.8

This can be advantageous when real-time measurement isn't imperative, but you require a broader range of data than what traceroute offers.

Traceroute and MTR offer insights into servers causing issues along the path to a specific domain or address. This is invaluable for troubleshooting internal network issues and providing pertinent information to support teams or ISPs when encountering network problems.