Manage Subuser

March 7, 2024
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Subuser Configuration Info

At the top of the Manage section, users can view the configuration information of the selected Subuser. This includes:


  • Subuser Name: The unique name assigned to the Subuser.
  • Subuser Email: The email assigned to the Subuser.
  • Subuser ID: The user id of Subuser.
  • Status: The current status of the Subuser (e.g., active, inactive, pending).
  • Delete: Use the delete button to remove a Subuser.

Manage Subuser

In the Manage Subuser section, admin have the ability to update product permission for subuser. This section provides the following functionalities:


  • View Permission: Click the View Permission button to open a form where you can update the permissions for the subuser.
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