
March 7, 2024
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Common Issues

Subnetting and IP Address Management

  • Subnet Overlaps: Accidental overlap of IP ranges between subnets can cause connectivity issues or unexpected routing behavior.
  • IP Address Exhaustion: Poorly planned IP address allocation can lead to running out of available IP addresses within a subnet.

Security Configuration

  • Inadequate Security Group Rules: Misconfigured security groups can lead to unintended exposure of resources or overly restrictive access, impacting application functionality.
  • Network Access Control Lists (ACLs): Misconfigurations in ACL rules can block legitimate traffic or allow unauthorized access.

Connectivity Issues

Internet Connectivity

  • Issue: Instances in VPC cannot access the internet.
  • Resolution: Check route tables and ensure there is an Internet Gateway (IGW) attached and routes are properly configured.

Subnet Configuration

  • Issue: Instances in a subnet cannot communicate with each other or other subnets.
  • Resolution: Verify subnet CIDR blocks and Network Access Control Lists (ACLs) for proper configurations.

Error Messages

Route Table Misconfigurations

  • Issue: Incorrect routes leading to traffic not reaching the intended destination.
  • Resolution: Audit route tables for correct entries and update as necessary.

NAT Gateway/Elastic IP

  • Issue: Instances in private subnets cannot initiate outbound connections to the internet.
  • Resolution: Ensure NAT Gateway is properly configured in the public subnet with appropriate Elastic IP assignment.


For further assistance, please contact our support team at [email protected].

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