March 7, 2024
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Create an Utho account to try this guide with a $100 credit.

General Questions

What is Utho’s VPN service?

Utho’s VPN service allows users to create secure VPN connections through our platform. You can manage VPN settings, download user configuration files, and use these files with any compatible VPN client like OpenVPN.Purpose

How do I create a VPN on the Utho platform?

To create a VPN:

  1. Go to the top toolbar and select Deploy .
  2. Choose VPN from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select the datacenter location, provide a VPN name, specify the number of users, and choose a billing cycle.
  4. Click Deploy VPN to create your VPN.

What VPN clients are compatible with Utho’s VPN files?

Utho’s VPN files are compatible with most standard VPN clients, including OpenVPN.

Technical Questions

How do I download the VPN user file?

  • Navigate to the Manage section from the top toolbar.
  • Select the VPN you want to manage.
  • In the Manage Users section, select the user for whom you want to download the VPN file.
  • Click the Download VPN File button.

How do I use the downloaded VPN file?

  • Open your VPN client (e.g., OpenVPN).
  • Import the downloaded VPN file into the client.
  • Connect to the VPN using the imported file.

What should I do if I encounter a connection error?

  • Ensure the VPN user file is correctly downloaded and imported.
  • Check your internet connection.
  • Verify the VPN server status.
  • Re-import the VPN file and try again.
  • If the issue persists, contact Utho support.

How can I manage VPN users?

In the Manage section:

  1. Go to the Manage Users section.
  2. Add users by clicking the Add User button and entering the required details.
  3. Delete users by selecting them and clicking the Delete button.
  4. Update user details by selecting the user and clicking the Update button.

How do I destroy a VPN?

  • Navigate to the Destroy section in the Manage page.
  • Click the Destroy VPN button.
  • Confirm the action in the confirmation dialog to permanently delete the VPN.
Create an Utho account to try this guide with a $100 credit.