Getting Started

Getting Started

March 7, 2024
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Create an Utho account to try this guide with a $100 credit.

Initial Start

  1. Navigate to SQS Management Utho-sqs

    • In the sidebar menu, click on “SQS”.
    • You will be directed to a page displaying a list of all existing SQS queues.
    • This page will have a button labeled Create New SQS.
  2. Create a New SQS

    • Click on the Create New SQS button.
    • You will be navigated to the deploy page.

Quick Start

The purpose of this documentation is to provide a quick guide on how to create and manage SQS queues within the Utho Cloud platform.

  1. Open the SQS Management Page:

    • Click on the SQS option in the sidebar menu.
    • You will see a list of all existing SQS queues.
    • Click on the Create New SQS button to initiate the process.

    Utho-sqs-list Screenshot: SQS Management page showing the list of existing SQS queues and the Create New SQS button.

  2. Deploy a New SQS:

    • On the deploy page, you need to provide the following details:
      • Data Center Location: Select the data center location where the SQS will be deployed.
      • Configuration: Specify the configuration settings for the SQS queue.
      • Name: Provide a unique name for the SQS queue.

    Utho-deploy-sqs Screenshot: Deploy page showing fields for data center location, configuration, and name.

  3. Create SQS:

    • Click on the Create SQS button to save and create your new SQS queue.
  4. Verify SQS Creation:

    • Once created, the new SQS queue will appear in the list on the SQS Management page. You can view and manage it from there.

System Requirements:

  • Operating System: Windows, macOS, Linux, or mobile OS (iOS, Android)
  • Web Browser: Latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge
  • Network: Active internet connection
Create an Utho account to try this guide with a $100 credit.