Getting Started

Getting Started

March 7, 2024
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Create an Utho account to try this guide with a $100 credit.

Initial Start

  • Log in to your account on our platform.
  • Navigate to the aside bar and locate the Ticket and click that tab

Quick Start

Open the Ticket Page:

1718970476756After click on the above Ticket button a ticketpage will open

The Ticket Dashboard provides a comprehensive view of your support tickets. At a glance, you can see the following metrics:


  • Total Tickets: The total number of tickets created in your account.
  • Open Tickets: Tickets that are currently open and awaiting resolution.
  • Answered Tickets: Tickets that have received a response but are not yet closed.
  • Closed Tickets: Tickets that have been resolved and closed.

Below the metrics, there is a table listing all the tickets created in your account.

Tickets Table

The table displays the following columns:


  • Ticket ID: A unique identifier for each ticket.
  • Subject: The subject line of the ticket, summarizing the issue.
  • Department: The department the ticket is assigned to (e.g., Support, Account, Sales).
  • Status: The current status of the ticket (e.g., Open, Answered, Closed).
  • Created At: The date and time when the ticket was created.

At the top of the table, there is an Open Ticket button for creating new tickets.

Creating a New Ticket

To create a new ticket, follow these steps:


  1. Click on the Open Ticket Button:
    • Located at the top of the tickets table, clicking this button will open a drawer from the right side of the screen.
  2. Fill in the Open Ticket Form:
    • Department: Select the department relevant to your issue (Support, Account, Sales).
    • Priority: Choose the priority level of the ticket (Urgent, Medium, Low).
    • Subject: Enter a brief subject line summarizing the issue.
    • Message: Provide a detailed description of the issue or request.
  3. Submit the Form:
    • Click the Open New Ticket button at the bottom of the form. Upon submission, a new ticket will be created.
  4. Ticket Creation Confirmation:
    • After creating the ticket, you will be redirected to the newly created ticket’s details page.

    • An email confirmation will also be sent to notify you of the ticket creation.


Create an Utho account to try this guide with a $100 credit.