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How to change SSH default port on OpenSUSE

How to change SSH default port on OpenSUSE

How to change SSH default port on OpenSUSE

In this article, you will learn how to change SSH default port on OpenSUSE. A network protocol called Secure Shell (SSH) enables remote server access for users. Additionally, it secures communication between a client and private server by encrypting it.

Nevertheless, utilising the default Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port 22 for SSH might be dangerous since it is exposed to a number of online dangers, including brute-force assaults, a hacking technique used to obtain encrypted sensitive data.

Therefore, one of the greatest methods to safeguard your SSH server is to change your default port.


  • vim, vi or any other text editor installed on server to modify config files

  • Super user or SUDO user privileges.

Steps to change the default port of SSH

Step 1: Open SSH configuration file using below command in your favorite editor.

vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Content of SSH configuration file

Content of SSH configuration file

Now, on line number 13, you can see that the line is commented. to set a custom port for ssh service to listen on, follow the below step.

Step 2: Add "Port 2222" in the next line then save and exit the file.

Add the custom port in configuration file

Add the custom port in configuration file

Note:: This process is done when the SeLinux policy was in disabled mode. If you are using Enforce SeLinux policy, you need to follow the Step 7 of this article

Step 3: Restart ssh service using below command

systemctl restart sshd

Step 4: Now, to ensure that you ssh server is listening on your custom defined port, use netstat commad.

netstat -tunlp

Ensure to check the custom ssh port

Ensure to check the custom ssh port

Step 5: Enable the port in OS firewall

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=2222/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload

Now, you have successfully learnt how to change SSH default port on OpenSUSE.