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How to install Flutter SDK on CentOS server

How to install Flutter on CentOS server

How to install Flutter on CentOS server

In this article, you will learn how to install Flutter SDK on CentOS server. The Google Flutter Software Development Kit (SDK) is a free and open-source tool for creating cross-platform mobile applications. Flutter enables programmers to create high-performance, scalable applications for Android or iOS that have aesthetically pleasing and useful user interfaces using a single platform-independent codebase. With the help of a library of pre-made widgets, Flutter enables even non-programmers and non-developers to swiftly launch their own mobile applications.

Flutter, which was developed by Google in 2015 and formally released in 2018, has swiftly taken over as the preferred toolkit for developers. Flutter recently eclipsed React Native to take the top spot among mobile app development frameworks, according to Statista.


  • Any normal user with SUDO privileges or Super user

  • yum repositories configured with CentOS server.

Steps to install Snap on CentOS server

Step 1: Before installing the Snap on your server, you need to install the extra packages for enterprises linux( EPEL) repsitories

yum install epel-release

Installing EPEL repo

Installing EPEL repo

Step 2: Install the Snap by executing the below command

yum install snapd

Install the Snap on Centos

Install the Snap on Centos

Step 3: Start and enable the snapd socket to start working with snapd

systemctl enable --now snapd.socket
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /usr/lib/systemd/system/snapd.socket.

Step 4: Now, you must enter the following to establish a symbolic link between /var/lib/snapd/snap and /snap in order to enable support for traditional snaps:
ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap

Step 5: Now, either set the PATH varialbe using the below command or restart another terminal

echo export PATH=$PATH:/snap/bin >> ~/.bashrc
export .bashrc

Step 6: Check the snapd version.

snap version

Version of Snap

Step 7: Install flutter on your server .

snap install flutter --classic

Step 8: Add the flutter tool to your path:

export PATH="$PATH:`pwd`/flutter/bin"

Step 9: Install the pre-defined binaries of flutter

flutter precache

And this is how you will install Flutter SDK on your CentOS server.