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DNS Management

DNS management is a free service offered to all the customers from  Microhost. You can use this functionality in terms of DNS Server which will be using for pointing the DNS records as per your requirement. You can add single as well as multiple domains in it. We will see, how we can use this feature.  

PREREQUISITE : Before we begin to Dns Management portion, First Update the name server & from Domain control panel .

Step 1: First, we have to Login into Microhost Cloud Dashboard  

Step 2: After Successful login, output will be shown as like given  screenshot. We have to move onto “Managed Dns” section then We  have to click on “Add New Domain” Button.

Step 3: We have to enter the domain name for which we want to use the Dns Server. Afterward we will move to the next page, where we can add multiple record as per the requirement.

Step 4: We can add records while putting the required details in the given fields. Along with that, we can delete the added records while clicking on the delete button as given in the screenshot.
