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How to install Gradle on Fedora

How to install Gradle on Fedora


In this article, you will learn how to install Gradle on Fedora.

Gradle is a build automation tool for making software in more than one language. It handles the whole development process, to gather and packaging to testing, deploying, and publishing. Java, C/C++, and JavaScript are among the programmes that can be used.

Step 1: System update

It is actually recommended that you update the system on the Fedora server instance you are using before installing any packages. To bring the system up to date, you will need to log in as the sudo user and then perform the following instructions.

# dnf install []( --skip-broken

# dnf -y update

Step 2: Install JDK

In order to function, Gradle needs a version of the Java Development Kit (JDK) that is 7 or above. The installation of JDK 8 will be covered in this guide. To install JDK 8 on your server, you will need to run the following command.

# dnf -y install java-1.8.0-openjdk wget unzip

How to install Gradle on Fedora

Using the above command will also install the wget and unzip programmes. Make sure the installation is correct.

# java -version

How to install Gradle on Fedora

Step 3: Download Gradle

There are two different varieties of the Gradle distribution archive: "binary-only" and "complete." The "full" package includes not only the binary but also the documentation and the source code for the Gradle programme. The "binary-only" archive just contains the Gradle software itself. In order to download Gradle to your computer, use the following command.

# wget

How to install Gradle on Fedora

Step 4: Install Gradle

Create a directory for the Gradle installation to take place in.

# mkdir /opt/gradle

Extract the archive that you downloaded into the directory that you just established.

# unzip -d /opt/gradle

Set the value of the PATH environment variable so that the gradle executable may be run in any directory on the system.

# export PATH=$PATH:/opt/gradle/gradle-3.4.1/bin

To determine whether or not the Gradle installation was successful, you may check by using the following command.

# gradle -v

install Gradle on Fedora


Hopefully, you have learned how to install Gradle on Fedora.

Also Read: How to Use Iperf to Test Network Performance

Thank You 🙂