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Postgres, is an open-source relational database management system also known as PostgreSQL.It was originally named POSTGRES, referring to its origins as a successor to the Ingres database developed at the University of California, Berkeley


  1. Server with root privilege

  2. packages should be updated

  3. SSH should be working

Installation :
Step 1: We can install postgress sql using below command.

**# yum install postgresql-server postgresql-contrib**

Step 2: One we will done with the installation we will initialize the database using below command.

**# postgresql-setup initdb** 

Step 3: We will start and enable the postgress service using below command

**## systemctl start postgresql** 
**## systemctl enable postgresql**

Step 4: Afterward, we need to setup the database.
Firstly, we will reset the password of postgres user  using the below command

**## passwd postgres**

Step 5: Once the password has been reset, we will login to the postgres user using the below command.


su – postgres**

**Step 7:** Now, we will initialize the bash shell for database login using below command.

## su --shell /bin/bash postgres

**Step 8**: again we will move to the postgres user using below command

**## su – postgres

**step 9:** Now we will login the postgres database

## psql postgres

**step 9:** We can create a test database using the below command in postgres

## createdb testDB

Thank You :)