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Using the yum command, install Google Chrome on CentOS 7.

Using the yum command, install Google Chrome on CentOS 7.


One of the most widely used web browsers now available is Google Chrome. It has a market share of over 62% and offers far higher levels of both security and performance compared to any other browser. On the other hand, it is not completely open source and instead built on top of the open source Chromium project. Using the yum command, this tutorial will walk you through the process of installing the stable version of Google Chrome on CentOS 7.

The following steps should be taken in order to install the application on your desktop running CentOS Linux:

download Google Chrome

# wget 

yum command to install Chrome web browser

# sudo yum localinstall google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm 

update Chrome

# sudo yum upgrade google-chrome-stable 

CentOS 7 install Google Chrome

# wget 

install Google Chrome

Chrome installation on CentOS 7 desktop

# sudo yum localinstall google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm 

Check out the screenshot below to see whether it's already installed….

Chrome installation on CentOS 7 desktop

Your computer now has the Google Chrome web browser installed. And that is it.

How do I launch stable Google Chrome?

At the prompt given by your shell, simply type the following command:

# google-chrome & 

Alternately, you can begin the process from within the GUI itself:

Applications > Internet > Google Chrome

How do I launch stable Google Chrome?

It should look something like this when you use Google Chrome:

google chrome

How can I update Chrome on my CentOS 7 computer?

To update Google Chrome, simply use the yum command as detailed below:

# sudo yum update 


# sudo yum upgrade google-chrome-stable 

How can I update Chrome on my CentOS 7 computer?

Find out more about the yum command.

# man yum 


On this page, installation instructions for Google's browser on a CentOS 7 workstation were provided. To learn more, have a look at the official Google Chrome website right here.

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